Crystalizing opportunities in the financial services sector

Alan Thornburrow is the Chief Executive of Scottish Investment Operations,  a professional body for the financial services sector in Scotland.  During our conversation about his experience of u.lab, he speaks of how he is at the point in his u.lab journey where opportunities are beginning to pop up for him.  He notes that the people involved in these opportunities are not necessarily new to his life but, following his involvement with U.Lab, that he is looking at things differently and having different conversations with colleagues he has known for a while.  To hear more about Alan’s crystalizing experiences watch this short video below.

To hear more about Alan’s experience of u.lab, including how he has chosen to take part in the u.lab learning experience, please click on the link below to watch the longer video.


This is part of a series of stories that you can catch up on hereIf you would like to share your U.Lab story, please get in touch with Keira (


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